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- Дата создания 07/03/2023
- Последнее обновление 11/12/2023
Altium Designer my setup system and project structure V23.3
Altium Designer my Libraries, Project templates, System settings by Catcatcat.
Here I want to share how I configure Altium Designer and how I use the DXPPreferences.DXPPrf files to quickly configure and get all the necessary tools for work, as well as for efficiently transferring these settings and databases between PCs.
When I started for me, there was a problem how to configure Altium, how to connect the database where to get the components, so that I could quickly start working and get the result. I want to offer a mechanism that will allow, after installing Altium Designer, to get a immediately configured database of components, a project structure that makes it possible to order printed circuit boards at least on JLCPCB, including, if desired, the assembly of the printed circuit board. In the structure you will find two examples of the project for which you can understand how the output files are formed, why they are needed and test the order of these boards for JLCPCB.
After using this Altium Designer customization engine, you will naturally get a system configured "for me", but if there is further interest, I can describe how to redo everything so that you can have your own designs with your logos and your personal characteristics.
The entire configuration mechanism is contained in the archive Project.rar which you need to download and unzip the archive to the root of the C drive. This archive stores the entire project structure, all configuration data and the database of components with database projects.
For convenience, I recommend the following installation sequence, although you can perform all the settings on an already installed Altium. But I recommend installing an Altium “from scratch”.
The procedure for installing the Altium "from scratch".
1. Unzip to the root of the C disk archive Project.rar.
2. Install three fonts from the folder C:ProjectProject_AltiumCH_Library_Design_Fonts_for_Altium_Install fonts - ISOCPEUR Italic.ttf, ISOCPEUR Regular.ttf, Mooretronics.ttf ............ it must be done!
3. Install Altium Designer.
4. During the installation of Altium, I recommend changing the path for the Shared Documents directory: to the folder C:ProjectProject_AltiumCH_Library_DesignAD23 (this is not necessary, but in the future will give you an advantage in your work).
5. After installing Altium and properly activating the license, you need to reconfigure the settings using the DXPPreferences1.DXPPrf file from the C:ProjectProject_AltiumCH_Library_Design_AltiumSettings folder. After that, you need to restart the Altium designer.
After that, you will get a fully configured system with a database of components, with a template of configured projects and working examples.
Release updates
Comments and suggestions are welcome.
V. - 23_03
- added new project templates with a simplified structure for more efficient work. Old templates are also preserved.
- updates in the component database.
- updated structure of production files. Please note that the JLCPCB documents for assembly of boards at the factory require additional processing.
- Updated licenses added.
- the DXPPreferences1.DXPPrf file from the C:ProjectProject_AltiumCH_Library_Design_AltiumSettings_03 directory is used to update the parameters.
- Update in C:ProjectProject_AltiumCH_Library_DesignStackup added updated stacks for JLCPCB.
- For new projects, it is recommended to start with the PCB_Project_2m template.
- додано нові шаблони проектів з спрощеною структурою для більш ефективної роботи. Старі шаблони також збережені.
- оновлення в базі даних компонентів.
- оновлена структура виробничих файлів. Зверніть увагу, що документи JLCPCB для складання плат на заводі потребують додаткової обробки.
- Додано оновлені ліцензії.
- для оновлення параметрів використовується файл DXPPreferences1.DXPPrf з каталогу C:ProjectProject_AltiumCH_Library_Design_AltiumSettings_03
- Оновлення в папці C:ProjectProject_AltiumCH_Library_DesignStackup додано оновлені стеки для JLCPCB.
- Для нових проектів рекомендується розпочинати з шаблону PCB_Project_2m.
How to update quickly - if you already have my database installed, to update you just need to take the CH_Library folder from the Project.rar
archive and copy with replacement files to your working folder, that is, you need to update the old CH_Library folder.
Then find the latest settings file in the folder C:ProjectProject_AltiumCH_Library_Design_AltiumSettings
(eg DXPPreferences1.DXPPrf) and update the settings in Altium Designer.
If this is your first encounter with my project, see the installation description in the article https://catcatcat.d-lan.dp.ua/altium-designer-my-setup-system-and-project-structure/
V. - 23_02
- fixed a number of bugs and added new components
- added new tutorial project
- configuration file name - DXPPreferences8.DXPPrf
But Where is the Project.rar???????
https://mega.nz/file/sUolEQiD#EkXpb7qSv34j967gcQauzhEHWRCPxyx9qcfXFbZwH8M arh – 1.63GB>>>>>No Longer exists
So How to Follow Your sytem
This version of the library is outdated, use the latest update now the current version is 23.3 After April 10, the library update will be released.